Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Notre Dame 1163-1345 - Paris, France

Gothic - 1140-1500

Gothic is considered the latest style before the Renaissance.  It serves as a bridge between Romanesque and the Renaissance, but the beauty of its architecture and design can be categorized as its own.  Religion was a big part of their lives, so the cathedrals show the best examples of Gothic design and architecture because it is where everything centered around physically and spiritually.  

Wells Cathedral - Somerset, United Kingdom

 Regensburg Cathedral - Regensburg, Germany

Barcelona Cathedral - Barcelona, Spain    

Sienna Cathedral - Siena, Toscana, Italy

Paris was the center of the Gothic period, but there are other places in Europe where the Gothic style was appreciated.  England had its own variation that made the buildings shorter and longer in length.  Germany had cathedrals that were very similar to those of the French:  thinner in width and tall towers.  Spain had represented their Gothic architecture with a wider and much more complex plan than in France.  Italy introduced color in their interior designs to enhance the many details exhibited during this time period, but also represented a thinner and taller concept to its architecture.



Particular elements of Gothic ornamentation and design are widely used today. The rose motif was typically constructed on the west wall of a cathedral and contains The Last Judgement.  It was crafted with stained glass windows that gave a colorful and heavenly light in the interiors.  


The Rose window, also called the wheel window, has transcended into different kinds of design outlets today.  Necklaces and bracelets, either with weave or gem design have this intricate design, as well as plates, mugs, and other fine chinaware.

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