Thursday, January 30, 2014


Greece and Rome made up the Classical Civilizations.


Ancient Greece marked the beginning of Western ideas and cultures.  They were inspired and fluent in different influences through philosophy, science, art, geography, medicine, and astronomy.  Their geographic location was a mountainous region surrounded by three bodies of water.  Their climate consisted of scorching summers and treacherous winters.    


There were huge advancements in Architecture during this era.  Similar to Ancient Egyptian architectural influences, Grecian architecture surrounded their relationship they had with their Gods. 


Palace of Knossos is the most important structure on Crete.  It was constructed sometime in the late Bronze Age.  Rather than having large individual rooms, it had the presence of smaller and many more.  It had an elaborate exterior facade and was organized around a central courtyard.  The courtyard was open to the exterior giving the interior some natural light.


Modern Day courtyards exist in homes and come in all sizes.  They provide natural light for the rooms surrounding it, and gives some more outdoor square footage to the home that allows for extra living space in an enclosed, private area. 


The Golden Age brought us the Parthenon, a temple built in 438 BC that was dedicated to the goddess Athena.  It is considered the culmination of the doric order.  In that, that exterior of the temple is made up of Doric columns, the simplest of the three Greek style columns.


Columns are used both for architectural and aesthetic use, both interior and exterior applications. Stemming from the ancient Greece innovation in design, columns with different design elements both plain and complex are used all over the world.



Greek furniture is discribed as proportionately related to humans.  The Klismos Chair is a signature piece of Greek furniture, and is one of the very few found that needs little to no improvement.  It has splayed legs with leather straps weaved within one another on the seat.  The back of the chair curves to the frame of a back.  It is the earliest example of furniture that is related and designed to the body's movement and function.


Furniture manufacturer's have adopted the style of the Greek Klismos Chair and have adapted and altered it to be used in modern design.

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